Sunday 26 April 2015

The statutory bio.

Hi! So it's time for the much-needed introductions and a little about moi.

Firstly, my name's Kimberley (most call me Kim). I'm 23 and live in good ol' Norfolk with my other half and our two naughty puppies, Monty and Pippa.

I was lucky to have a great run with my first blog, The Hopeful Hummingbird (which you can visit by clicking here) but after a lot of consideration I decided that perhaps my blog needed a little more 'huzzah' to it and a complete revamp. And hey presto, here's to a whole new start with The Adventures of Kimberley Jane.

So. A bit more about me and why I've decided to do all this blogging malarky.

As you may be aware if you read The Hopeful Hummingbird, I have lived with mental health disorders most of my life. My diagnosis is GAD, OCD, emetophobia and trichotillomania. I've also had several depressive episodes. Team this with being a student and times can be tough. So I hope to raise awareness, particularly around mental health issues in students, and give you a little insight in to what it's like balancing uni work with therapy appointments, medication changes and a desperate need for duvet days every once in a while.

Well if you've read this far, thank you! I hope you'll continue to join me on my little adventures. I hope to be posting at least once a week, but in the mean time, why not get in touch with me? Let me know what you'd like me to talk about/share/review/etc. You can comment below, follow me on Twitter, Instagram, or email me at

Thanks for reading!


1 comment:

  1. Hiya :)
    I am looking forward to reading more of your posts xx
